I’ve always been a creator. But I can’t always put what I imagine down on paper or in a software program, so sometimes my projects are created on the fly, or on the go!
I can’t create the things I build without inspiration - I’m a good imitator. My mother invents things all the time with stuff she has kept for years (like camera tripod cases out of old jean legs!). I learned from her that anything can be used for anything - it just takes a different way of looking at it. So when I build things (whether it’s furniture, artwork, or redesign), I tend to see it in my head and then start slapping things together. My sketches and “blueprints” are a hodge-podge of scribbles, notes, and numbers…I’m not sure anyone could make heads or tails of them (and not sure I even understand it entirely as well…).
I get my inspirations from other blogs, from Pinterest, from Facebook and Instagram, and sometimes I follow their plans completely, and sometimes I take several ideas and create my own piece. And sometimes, rarely, do I come up empty on my Google searches and actually have to create something that’s entirely my own idea. That’s how I create - on the go. I start a project with an idea and some scribbles and work it out as I do it (and problem-solve the issues that come up as they happen). It may not be the best way, but it is the way that works best for me. And maybe, putting the projects out here, might make me create more efficiently, or at the very least, give someone else that push to create.