Wood, Storage Danielle Kays Wood, Storage Danielle Kays

How to Build a Bookshelf

A few months ago, I came across some photos of some bookshelves and settled on one that I liked and thought that I could recreate with the tools and ability I had. So here’s how I built a bookshelf for about $50.

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Game, Wood Danielle Kays Game, Wood Danielle Kays

3D Chess Board

A few years ago I saw a 3D Chess board on Pinterest (where else?) and thought to myself, that looks like something I could make! Do I play chess? No. But I was curious and wanted to try to make it.

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Danielle Kays Danielle Kays

Making Mini Harry Potter Books

At my work, I am fortunate to be humored by my boss and co-workers with my Harry Potter interest. I have a mini Christmas tree in my office in my “Hufflepuff Corner” that I’ve decorated with mini ornaments and I’ve always wanted to make some mini Harry Potter books, so one day I finally got to work!

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