Becoming a Chicken Farmer

I’ve kind of always wanted chickens, but the initial start up cost was a deterrent. So when some dear friends had to find a new home for their chickens, and were also generously giving their coop and supplies, I gladly took on the mantle!

Girl #1 and #2 were excited to welcome our new fluffy girls. They assured me that they would help take care of the chickens…that promise lasted about a day!

Sadly, the oldest chicken (the black and white speckled one) didn’t make it through the week. We think the stress of the move just did her old body in. I was sad for my friends, and determined to keep the other five alive! Their coop was on wheels and was moved weekly at their old home as a chicken tractor. My backyard only had two places that I could move them between, so ultimately I decided to move the coop and the run up in the corner and leave it there permanently.

They loved their little home, and I built them a playground out of left over scraps of wood and large sticks. They don’t really use the playground - I think I need to revise it a bit. They’re little moochers…their egg-laying is in spurts. Sometimes I’ll get a dozen in three days…other times I’ll get one in a week. Sassy girls…

Danielle Kays

I love helping businesses and individuals make their vision come to life - whether it’s simply breathing new life in existing websites or creating new content. Let me help you take your project to new heights!

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