Website Reveal: Site Safety Matters

The good people at Safety Matters and Safety Matters Training Institute have worked with me for years. I designed their website for them 4 or 5 years ago and then left it in one of their employee’s hands…that employee has since left and Safety Matters has contacted me off and on to make small changes to their site, but for the most part, the design was left alone. And honestly, it was a little bit of a mess because that employee just randomly added text to various pages, giving it that “cluttered” feel…

I have learned as a designer over the years, and although their previous version wasn’t the worst I had seen (it at least didn’t look like it was made in 2002!), I knew I could design it better if given the opportunity. Well, that opportunity came to me a few months ago - they wanted a full rebuild and wanted an easier way for people to see available classes that they offer and register for them.

The challenge was finding a scheduling software that would work for their needs as the one they currently used worked, but was clunky - at least on the front end. But, after searching for others and trying them out, I suggested that we stay with what they were using and instead embed it differently - instead of one big block with ALL of the available classes, the new site now lists the classes in alphabetical order and then will show if that course is currently offered! We think that this will make it more user-friendly for those that need to sign up for classes in the future.

Thank you to the team at Site Safety Matters and Safety Matters Institute!

New site at

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    Danielle Kays

    I love helping businesses and individuals make their vision come to life - whether it’s simply breathing new life in existing websites or creating new content. Let me help you take your project to new heights!

    Website Reveal: ASHHO


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