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Website SEO and Off-Site SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a bit intimidating. How do you get your little corner of the web found by the big guys? How can you stand out?

I’ve put together a cheat sheet you can download and reference, but here’s a quick rundown on how you can easily optimize your own SEO without hiring a professional!

Website SEO

This shows search crawlers what a website is all about. It helps search engines see that a page is a good search result because it is relevant and useful.

Optimize your website:

  • use H1 titles in your headers. They like that.

  • put meta tags and descriptions in your images and files. Don’t just keep the “original file name” - change it to reflect your business/project/etc.

Website Content:

  • put keywords in your text. In H1, H2, H3, etc.

  • use hyperlinks - link to other websites.

  • change the descriptions and titles in images and alternate text

Other tips:

  • use search-friendly URLs (no random bits of numbers and letters!)

  • have a clear site map

  • make sure your internal and external links are accurate

Off-Site SEO

This shows search crawlers that a website is important and valuable. It helps search engines see that a page is a good result because the brand and websites are authoritative.

Link to your website:

  • link to your social media of choice (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

  • link to other websites

  • link to business directory websites (LinkedIn, other directories)

Product and Service Reviews:

  • Google reviews

  • Other online review services - Yelp, Amazon, Trip Advisor, etc.

  • Social Media site reviews

Social Media:


  • submit your website to Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. (instructions to submit your site data coming soon)

This list is simplified, of course, but it’s a great start to optimizing your site for SEO. I’m all about hiring professionals if need be, so that may still be a route you end up taking, but this handy sheet could give you the head start you need!

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